I consider myself to be a healthy eater. Almost 100% gluten free, hardly any refined sugar, very little processed foods, not much meat, and grain free. I am continually changing my diet to find the most optimal balance of foods that will nourish my digestion. So it...
Homeopathy Detox Cleanse to Rejuvinate and Revitalise your January
So it’s January, and New Years' Resolutions are on peoples’ minds. After the decadence of xmas, there is a natural inclination to want to pair things back and get healthy again. There is a feeling of hope. This year I am going to lose that 10kg, this year I am going...
Hummingbird homeopathy meets food anarchist Sandor Katz, Brighton
I had the pleasure of attending a revolutionary food event in Brighton this week hosted by Darren Ollerton of Alchemy Flow, Brighton. It was an evening devoted to Fermented Foods with the legendary Sandor Katz doing a workshop on the benefits of adding fermented foods...
8 Cold Busting Remedies for your family
As the Daffs and Crocuses pop their fresh heads from the earth, and the light returns, we feel the hope of Spring again. Our bodies mirror this and do all they can to discard any last debris from our bodies so we can start afresh. The common cold is another way Nature...
Homeopathic Detox: a gentle way to cleanse the body
Its a New Year, and a time I love to vision a new dream for myself and my family. Maybe you want to start yoga again, get creative, lose weight, or move more slowly in your skin and spend more time laughing with friends. A simple homeopathic detox can be a great way...