A funny time of year It is meant to be the season of togetherness, joy, family and giving. But Xmas also brings up depression and anxiety. Depression in peri-menopause is also very real. I was shocked to read that the biggest risk for suicide in women is between the...
mental health
Being ok with change
I have spent most of my life striving to change things. In my teens I wanted to change my school, my home and my parents. In my twenties I became an environmental activist and I tried to change the world. In my late twenties and thirties, I got into psychology,...
Anxiety – How Homeopathy can help
When I was a little girl of 6 or 7 years old, I remember having anxiety. There was a definite change in the pace of life for me at that time. I went from Pre School in South Africa to Sub A. That’s like going from Reception to Year 1. Suddenly everyone wore uniforms,...
Dealing with Grief Naturally with Homeopathy
Grief is a funny thing. Sometimes there is an obvious cause. Someone you love has died, you have lost your job, or your home. Other times it can be much harder to identify. There are many other things that can be causing low level chronic grief. For example, a family...
Grounding as an antidote to anxiety
Why is Grounding important? When our energy is too gathered in our heads and the upper parts of our body we become unstable, physical, mentally and emotionally. This can lead to clumsiness, panic attacks, anxiety, sadness, depression or just lack of focus and...
Homeopathy can help mental health
It is so interesting that the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week in 2017 will be Living with Change and looking at how this impacts on mental health. Dealing with the effects of change and transition are the most common thing I treat with clients in my practise...