Things we don’t talk about
Peri-menopause is a big transition in a women’s life, and one we are often not prepared for.
First of all we just don’t talk about these things do we? When we start experiencing changes, whether they be with our bodies, mind or emotions it can come as a bit of a surprise.
Fluctuating levels of estrogen affect our mental emotional wellbeing, and can leave us feeling anxious, panicky or depressed. At least about 25% of women in Peri/menopause experience anxiety as a strong symptom.
Getting the right kind of support can be tricky. There is an absolute plethora of information on google, it can be completely overwhelming.
A transition
The first bit of good news is that peri-menopause is a transitional phase. As our adrenals and other parts of our body take over the bulk of oestrogen production, things do start to level out. But what can we do in the meantime?
Homeopathy eases the change
Homeopathy can REALLY smooth out the ups and downs of menopausal anxiety. I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life and have used homeopathy many times to come back to centre. You can read more about that here later.
Our homeopathic remedies work by addressing the root cause. In menopause, the root cause is usually that hormones need to be brought back into balance so they are not fluctuating so dramatically. We can also boost our system as a whole so that all parts of us are functioning better.
Working with your body, rather than against it
Homeopathy helps your body to do what it is already designed to. So it is working with your body, rather than against it.
The consultation itself is also therapeutic and gives you a chance to reflect on your life and express your feelings in safe space. This is really important part of the process.
If you would like to know more about whether homeopathy is right for you, you can book a FREE 15 minute consultation with me here. I would love to hear from you.
And if you found my article interesting, please share with your friends going though menopause looking for a natural approach.
Adi Howarth is a Brighton based homeopath, specialising in peri-menopause and treating people from all around the worlds using Skype/Zoom Calls.