Spring Selfcare

Feb 9, 2022

Spring is a good time to begin selfcare natural health

Spring is arriving, and it’s a great time to set intentions for your health.

The craziness of xmas and tax returns has passed and now it’s time to build in some healthy selfcare practices into your daily life.

Let’s come back to the foundations of our health.


Where in your day can you fit in 15 mins of mindfulness. Adding in two 15 minute slots of meditation every day has even been shown to reduce hot flushes in menopausal women ! So you can see it has a profound effect even on our hormones.


How can your move a bit more slowly and mindfully.

Is there a movement practise you could now re-introduce to your life?

Yoga. taichi, running, gardening, walking.


Are you drinking 2-3 litres of clean filtered water every day?

Is it time to buy a new water filter?


Eat a rainbow of organic veg.

How can you include more seasonal veg and fruit into every meal ? Yup even breakfast !

What if you started cooking batches of stew and soup – Would that make healthy eating easier? 

Still focussing on eating warm and cooked foods which are easier for the body to digest as temperatures are changeable.

Chicken soup and bone broth are absolutely brilliant for our immunity.

Plant based people can make veggie broth, miso soup and cordyceps soup. 

And by the way cordyceps are a potent immune system modulator and powerful adaptogen which means it helps your body deal with stress better.


Could you go to bed at 9:30pm every night for a few nights to get some good rest? Sleep really is essential for everything!


Now is the time to pull out your diary/weekly planner.

Write down what you want to bring in this season for yourself.

Where can you will fit that into your schedule?

When we prioritise our self care magical things happen. 

If you want a bit of coaching and support with setting intentions for your health get in touch with me at adi@project1-9j9yww6zui.live-website.com

And we can support that process with homeopathy, herbs, nutrition and bodywork.


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