I recently had the great privilege of attending my first natural birth, besides the birth of my own daughter. In both births, I used homeopathic remedies to keep the energy moving so labour could progress naturally.
In my birth, I laboured at home for a few days before my daughter Nava was born ! The emphasis was firstly to establish regular surges or “contractions”, and to look after my energy levels so I would have enough for the final stages of active labour. I used the homeopathic remedy Caulophyllum to help establish the contractions. Traditionally, Native American women would brew a tea of this herb in labour to ease pains and to get labour going.
Emotions can also have a strong impact on how labour progresses and I certainly found this when I was told that I was only 5 cm dilated. I remember sitting in the toilet after having been told the news feeling immense shock and disappointment, tears streaming down my face. Everything ground to a halt until I thought of taking some homeopathic Ignatia, which is brilliant for emotional shocks. After taking the remedy things started moving beautifully.
I later used some Calc Phos to keep my energy levels up throughout the more active parts of the labour and heaps of Arnica post birth to help with the physical recovery.
On the afternoon of Lily’s birth, she called me to say that nothing was really happening. She was feeling some pre-labour surges but nothing more. She was finding it difficult to let go of her usual responsibilities and was concerned about her 3-year-old daughter and her other family members. We used the remedy Emerald, which is often used as part of the preparation for birth, to help women let go and trust that all would be well. Sure enough after this the labour began to progress.
When I arrived at her house, contractions were still gentle but rhythmical and started to pick up the pace. Within an hour and a half we were in full labour ! We got to a point where Lily felt she couldn’t go on, and called me to lift her up and hold her because of the intensity. This is a very common emotion for women to feel when they reach the “transition” point of labour as they move into the part when the baby will be born. There were definitely points where I had the thought that I didn’t want to do it anymore. We carried Lily to the birth pool and I gave her some Pulsatilla, and within a short time her beautiful boy was born in the water ! As the birth was so quick we also gave Lily some Arnica and Aconite to help with shock.
I feel so grateful to have been present at these two births, and to witness two babies being born without any medical intervention. Homeopathy is a brilliant ally in pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period for Mum and baby. You might benefit from these remedies but every woman is an individual and other things might be better for you.
I love to work with women in all stages of the birthing process so do get in touch if you want to chat about how homeopathy can help you on 07748491397 or email me on adi@project1-9j9yww6zui.live-website.com
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