Homeopathy at home for first aid and everyday family health

Oct 15, 2018

Hummingbird Homeopathy for Family Health

I care what I put into my body.

I buy organic vegetables. I eat a very low meat diet and buy organic and free range. I use organic skincare products and support local businesses where possible. I look after my body, aim to be as healthy as possible and I love Nature. So why should it be any different for the medicine I use for myself and my family?

Since I started seeing a homeopath 20 years ago and bought my first homeopathy kit, I have used paracetamol, ibuprofen and antibiotics only a handful of times. In fact we don’t even keep any in the house at all.

I have successfully treated wounds, bruises, injuries, shock, teeth extraction, diarrhoea, vomiting, coughs, colds, headaches, fevers, anxiety and more all using my basic homeopathy kit. I have learned so much through doing this and it has led me on to deciding to study to be a homeopath.

It’s a little complicated at first as it’s not a one size fit all situation. It means carefully studying all the symptoms of a cough, cold or headache to see which remedy it is.

Homeopathy is very individualised.


But the time taken to learn the basics is well worth it as once as the correct remedy is taken, it helps restore our balance, eliminate symptoms and bring us back into health again.

The remedies themselves have been diluted in water many times so they are very gentle and have no toxic side effects. Each remedy has only what it says on the label in it. They are handmade to strict standards in a homeopathic pharmacy and produced in a cruelty free way with no preservatives, or other nasty chemicals in it.

I am very passionate about using homeopathy at home for ourselves and our families. For long term illnesses and deeper issues having your own homeopath is the best way forward but you can also do a huge amount just by having your own kit.

Do get in touch if you would like to know about how homeopathy can be used at home for everyday health or if you have any other health concerns.  You can book a free 30 minute clarity call here or you can email me at adi@project1-9j9yww6zui.live-website.com

I am teaching a Beginners Homeopathy Course at the Dyke Road Clinic on 10th November 10-3pm. REad more about it here. Call me on 07748491397 to book your place or find out more.


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